Here are links to Women’s Advocates’ facebook or GiveMN fundraising pages.
October 11, 2019, marked 45 years of shelter at Women’s Advocates. Forty-five years later, domestic violence persists, and Women’s Advocates’ response is wide-reaching with 150+ partners working with us to provide crisis support for the 1 in 3 women, 1 in 7 men and 1 in 2 transgender people experiencing domestic violence (CDC, NCTE). Meanwhile, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), reauthorized by the U.S. House this year, has yet to receive the attention of the Senate.
November 14 is Give to the Max Day #GTMD in Minnesota, a statewide day of giving for Minnesota non-profit organizations. December 3 is #GivingTuesday, a GLOBAL day of giving for the causes that mean the most to you. With your help, Women’s Advocates will mobilize our supporters over those 20 days to spread awareness of Women’s Advocates and our role in the movement to end domestic violence, while raising vital support to keep our prevention, emergency shelter, crisis line, and sustained safety/housing advocacy going strong.
We need community members like you to encourage your networks to give meaningfully. You can be part of this effort by creating your own individual fundraiser campaign page on facebook or GiveMN or by simply sharing Women’s Advocates’ facebook or GiveMN fundraising pages far and wide. Can you help? Connect with ASAP if you’d like to take part in 20 Days of Giving Nov 14 – Dec 3. We will set you up with resources, how-to guides for fundraiser pages, posting and emailing ideas to share with your networks, and regular updates along the way.