If you are in search of assistance in breaking your lease due to Domestic Violence, you can find the required steps to take in Minnesota here.
If you want to get an Order of Protection in the state of Minnesota, the Minnesota Judicial Branch provides step-by-step information. If you need further assistance filing for an order of protection, call your county’s Domestic Abuse Office and ask if they have an advocate on staff to assist you.
If you are a victim of stalking, please see this guide on resources that are available to you.
If you need further (or different) legal assistance in Minnesota, you can reach out to the following organizations:
- MN Center Against Violence and Abuse (MINCAVA)
- Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
- Bridges to Safety (Ramsey County)
- Domestic Abuse Project (DAP) (Hennepin County)
- Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services (SMRLS)
- Standpoint
- Volunteer Lawyers Network
If you are not residing in Minnesota, but still seeking legal aid, please reach out to your states Domestic Violence Coalition. A list with each state’s Coalition information and phone number can be found here.
Want to learn more about domestic violence? You can see our educational presentation topics here. To schedule a presentation on DV 101 for your school, workplace, or organization, click here.